Monday, December 7, 2015

Back Home Again!

Well the last adventure is over for the time being.  I was in the hospital for a new knee, but they couldn't do that.  They ended up fusing my femur and tibia together.  I've had what's called an external fixator on and in my leg for two months now and it looks like another month to go.  I was in rehab. for two months.  Mainly I was being given IV antibiotics and then I had wound care for my knee.  It was good being there and the people were excellent.  The only thing is it was boring.  I'm glad to be home now.

A new adventure will begin once the fixator is taken out.  It will be determined if I can be taught to walk again.  If so, I'll have to have a special shoe because I've lost about three inches on my right leg.  That doesn't bother me so much because I'll taking walking anyway I can get it. 

While I was in rehab. I surprised myself.  I was very upbeat, almost like a good humor man.  I saw people who had had strokes who were trying to get back a small part of normalcy.  I saw people with small victories and I saw people who through their pain fought regardless.  I could have wallowed in self pity, but after seeing people who where much worse than I, and who through sheer determination strived to make their life normal again, I could only think how lucky I am.  Don't get me wrong, I still have times of self pity, but then I think of those people I met and wish I had just a small amount of their courage.  Remembering them doesn't always make me feel better, but I think of friends I made who had come so far, and that does make me feel better.

Well as I said, I'm home now in a wheelchair and with a leg that sticks straight out and can't bend.  It's present new problem in everyday life, but none I can't overcome.  I keep looking at everything as new adventures.  Yes I have a problem with my leg, but I'm constantly thinking of ways to make things easier.  A friend in rehab. and I had the same thoughts.  A lazy person will come up with the easiest way to do anything.  As you all know, I am a very lazy person, and luckily I'm always coming up with ideas.  God it's good to be lazy. :)

I hope everyone is doing fine and I wish you a happy life.

Take care.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Off To Another Adventure?

I’m off to the big city today to get ready for my knee surgery.  During my pre-check-in I found out that it’s going to be more than a knee replacement.  They’ll be taking out all the hardware from my femur to my tibia and fibula.  I’ve thought before that I’ve got enough metal in me to make a small car.  I was told that a normal knee replacement usually takes a couple of hours and the hospital stay is 3 to 5 days.  However, in my case it will take a good bit longer, and of course, I’ll be in the hospital longer.  I know this is going to be quite a lot of pain, but I figure with all the other stuff causing me pain, if I can get rid of one thing – then that’s a good thing.  

My cousin is driving me up today and we’ll stay in a very nice hotel.   My brother, who must have an awful lot of points, is taking care of two days there.  My cousin told him she would pay for the second day since only she would be staying there.  We both decided that after getting up so early to get me to the hospital, and then waiting probably all day for me to get into surgery and then out of surgery that driving back 85 miles to get back home would be too taxing.  My brother told her she was doing this for Whit and that she is family so don’t worry about the hotel.   Sometimes my family and I don’t get along, but they do come through.
Hopefully I’ll be going to the VA for in house Physical Therapy.  I was there earlier this year and they were excellent.  My other brother gave me a tablet and I’ll try to keep up with everybody and let you know how I’m doing.
I hope everyone is doing good and having a great summer.
Take care.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Getting back on the net reminded me of George for some reason.  He was a dear friend for many many years.  I remember going to sleep many nights and George would always have to be right at my back.  He would be upset when I left the house and be overjoyed when I came home.  He could be upsetting at times, but when he looked at you with those big eyes there was nothing but love.
I’ve always felt sort of bad because once I moved in this apartment they didn’t take pets.  So I had no choice but to leave George with my sister and brother-in-law.  My sister isn’t an inside dog person, so George who had never lived outside had a dog house.  They took good care of him.  When I first moved here and I was walking, I would go over and see him every day.  Once I got to the point of using a wheelchair I couldn’t go and see him.  I’m sure he thought what happened, and had I deserted him.
George passed away last year.  He lived a long life.  He was 21 human or 147 dog years when he passed.  I guess I’m writing this because he did mean much to me and this will be the last goodbye.
Farewell my very dear friend and I hope you’re happy wherever you are.